And so, let’s begin...
It is humbling – and a little daunting, if I am being honest – to admit that I am at the beginning of my journey as a writer, especially since I have been writing words under the banner of various companies for over two decades.
I have crafted webpages full of meticulously curated words. I have written heartfelt letters of departure and jubilant announcements of milestones reached. I’ve inhaled the voices of others to exhale their words into motivational speeches, and I have used tantalizing words to influence people’s buying behaviors. Plus, having worked at a healthcare company during the Pandemic, I may have written more words about COVID-19 than any other person I know! Suffice it to say I have written hundreds of thousands of words for brands and people throughout my career.
The difference is that while the words were technically mine, the stories were not. My words had a predetermined purpose that was not of my choosing. I was helping bring stories to life, spark connections, elicit emotional responses and hopefully help people in some small way, and that made it fulfilling work; however, over the past few years, my spidey senses were tingling at an ever-increasing frequency. Deep down I knew that if I wanted to unleash my full potential as a writer, I would have to do so under the banner of my own name. And so, I begin. Right now, right here, with you as my witness.

Today Brims with Possibility...
This morning I opened an old edition of Magnolia magazine to the page above. I smiled. Yes, today does brim with possibility because I made a choice to do what I love.
As a memoirist, ghostwriter and brand storyteller, I am excited to share my narrative with the world and help others do the same in an authentic and meaningful way. I believe that when we share our stories, we create tethers of social connection in this world. If I can add to this virtuous act, I know my life will have been well spent.
The good news is that we all have stories to tell. There is an abundance of lived experiences to be shared, brand promises to be delivered, manifestos to be forged, legacies to be memorialized and perhaps a few cringe-worthy puns to be penned. There’s a lot of work to be done, and I am honored to be among the ranks of those creators who are brave enough to take on this responsibility. I do not take this duty lightly.
I invite you to share in this journey with me. Along the way, it is my hope that I help you feel more connected to yourself and the world around you. Lastly, please know that if ever you wish to tell your own story but are struggling to find the words, it would be my great privilege to help you unearth those treasures buried in your mind.
As I will always sign off on blog posts…
Yours till butter flies.