A Writer’s Journey

A Writer’s Journey

My Eviction Notice

What’s Holding Me Back? I was thumbing through old notebooks the other day and came upon one from 2016. Curious about what was sloshing around in my brain back then, I opened it. The first page was folded in half and said “EVICTION NOTICE!!!” Just like that, with multiple exclamation points, plus a few lines […]

Naming the Hard Parts

Going on a Bear Hunt Do you remember the childhood story about going on a bear hunt? Its song’s familiar refrain goes, “We’re going on a bear hunt, we’re going on a bear hunt. We’re going to catch a big one, we’re going to catch a big one. I’m not scared, I’m not scared. What […]

Q&A with a Freelance Writer: How is it going?

Finding the Balance in Newness Since starting Narrativiti and becoming a full-time writer, I get asked, almost daily, some version of one of the following questions:   a) So, how is it going? b) What are you working on? c) Are you enjoying your free time? d) What do your days look like? I understand […]

Step #1 of Memoir – Vulnerability

Discovering the Meaning of Strength The act of writing a memoir serves as a personal looking glass into the depth of your own soul. The choice to share one’s soul is an act of vulnerability. As a writer working through the lived experiences of my own memoir, I am treading water in a sea of […]

And so, let’s begin…

And so, let’s begin… It is humbling – and a little daunting, if I am being honest – to admit that I am at the beginning of my journey as a writer, especially since I have been writing words under the banner of various companies for over two decades.   I have crafted webpages full […]

Fireflies & Crickets

Fireflies & Crickets When I am unable to write due to life’s other demands, I visualize the ideas that live inside my head as little fireflies – trapped and bumbling around, bumping into the glass jar of my brain.   The inability to unscrew the lid and release them always makes me feel a bit […]

Ghostwriter | Content Editor | Storyteller



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